Ramon and Jolien Grand and Jumbo Champion at the 2023 Holland Koi Show
In the realm of lush ponds and dazzling scales, a much-loved duo named Ramon and Jolien once again reaped the highest laurels. With their inspiring dedication to the noble art of Koi and their undeniable presence in the spectacle of Koi shows, their third Grand Champion title now stands as a shining crown on their life’s work. Admirably, this triumph is also their second Grand Champion trophy they were privileged to receive at the renowned Holland Koi Show. The Kohaku was purchased as a 52 cm nisai. The fish is now six years old.
With their regal SFF Kohaku, Ramon and Jolien entered the highest scaffold on the beautiful scene of Arcen. Last year in 2022, they got to do that for the first time. Earlier that year in 2022, they won their first Grand Champion title at the Euregio Koi Show. Initially, the Grand Champion title was pursued with their beautiful Sanke. However, on her journey to fame, the Sanke suffered some injury to the head during transport.
Both fish were purchased as two-year-old fish
However, the twist of fate dropped the honor to the Kohaku, which was in the same barrel. How reassuring to have a formidable reserve in the safe embrace of one’s own pond! The Sanke, despite its modest discomfort, did capture the Jumbo A prize! Both fish were purchased as two-year-old fish. They also grabbed a double in 2022; then it was the Mature Champion they got to take home alongside that big cup on their backseat. That was then for the same Kohaku
Only two Koi were chosen to embody the prestigious title, and both danced in Jolien and Ramon’s show vessel. Those who watch the movements of the Koi stage closely know without a doubt which Koi are being talked about. A stunning Kohaku, born from the capable hands of Taniguchi, and an equally dazzling Sanke, produced by SFF. This time, fate chose the Kohaku, although the Sanke certainly did not return home empty-handed. Ramon and Jolien indicated earlier that they definitely did not pay the top price for these fish. They save together for a fish they revealed last year in an interview with Ben Smit of the Koi2000 association and you can bet that just when you have to save for it, it really has value.
They are saving together for a fish
Our sincere congratulations go out to Ramon and Jolien, as well as to the mediating Koi dealer Chikara Koi. Yet, let’s especially not overshadow the breeder of this fish – Taniguchi! Their combined efforts and dedication have led to this glorious result.